If you need a COVID-19 Vaccination, visit any of the HMS Clinics.
If you need a COVID-19 Vaccination visit any of the HMS clinic.
Call for an appointment at a clinic. Call for more information. 575-800-1HMS
Cost: Free to You
1Are COVID vaccines safe?
Vaccines are a much safer path to immunity from COVID-19 than the disease itself.
Many ask, “Do the benefits of COVID vaccines outweigh the risks?” Evidence shows that the
answer to that question is a firm, “YES.” More than any other vaccine in history, the benefits
greatly outweigh the really miniscule risks. COVID has killed more than 1.1 million people in the
U.S. Many people develop Long COVID and others develop health conditions like diabetes, heart
disease, blood clots, or brain and nerve damage. If you’re vaccinated, you’re more likely to avoid
COVID’s worst effects if you do get infected, including hospitalization, developing Long COVID,
or dying. It makes sense to get vaccinated.
2When should I get my COVID booster?
The virus that causes COVID is changing rapidly. It’s important for adults to get the updated
booster if they received their last dose of vaccine before September 2022. Children 6 months to
11 years should get boosted if they received their last dose of vaccine before October 2022.
3I had COVID, do I need to get vaccinated?
You should still get vaccinated even if you’ve had COVID.
4Will the vaccine give me serious side effects?
Nearly 700 million doses of COVID vaccines have been given in the United States, with very, very
few people experiencing serious side effects.
a. The most common side effect of the COVID vaccine is a sore arm. Some people also
experience flu-like symptoms for a few days, including fever, headache, body aches, and
tiredness. These are signs that your immune system is responding to the vaccine.
b. The most common serious side effect of the COVID vaccine is a serious allergic reaction.
A very few people, mostly young adult males, have experienced inflammation of the
heart called “myocarditis.” In almost all cases, these people have recovered fully and
quickly. The risk of heart damage due to COVID-19 is hundreds of times greater than
from the vaccine.
c. Ask your doctor if you have questions about COVID vaccine safety
5Has there been adequate research conducted in the development of the vaccine?
The methods used to develop COVID vaccines are based on technology that researchers have
been working on for more than 40 years. Researchers have been working on vaccines for
coronaviruses for decades. That previous work is why the vaccines were rolled out so quickly.
6Are COVID vaccines safe for people who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or are breastfeeding?
COVID vaccines are safe for people who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or are
breastfeeding. COVID-19 can be dangerous for pregnant women and increases the risk of
preterm birth and other problems. Vaccination helps to protect against the dangers of COVID-19
during pregnancy.
7Are COVID vaccines safe for children?
COVID vaccines have been rigorously tested in children and found to be safe and effective.
8Will the COVID vaccine affect my DNA?
The mRNA vaccine does not affect your DNA. It never enters the nucleus of the cell, which is
where DNA live. The mRNA in the vaccines delivers instructions to your immune system,
teaching it how to make the antibodies to fight the virus. The mRNA breaks down quickly. It’s a
very fragile molecule, which is why COVID vaccines need to be handled carefully.
9What kind of protection from COVID do I receive from the vaccine?
Vaccination protects you and others around you. If you do get COVID despite being vaccinated,
you are likely to have a lower level of virus to “share’ with others.
10Besides receiving the vaccine, what other precautions can I take from being infected?
Even if you’re vaccinated, you should take other precautions like wearing a face mask in
crowded indoor spaces, avoiding crowds, and opening windows to increase room ventilation.