HMS Family Medicine Residency Program (FMRP)
Our program at Hidalgo Medical Services in Silver City is undergoing program development. We are excited about the future of the HMS program.
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Nestled in the heart of the Gila Wilderness, the HMS Family Medicine Program is specifically designed in the “1+2” format to offer top quality training in the urban setting at Memorial Medical Center in Las Cruces, NM, during the intern year, followed by a two-year robust, rural community training experience in Silver City, NM
Hidalgo Medical Services, a federally-qualified health center with 20 years of experience as a frontier and rural training hub, welcomes two residents per academic year as a 2/2/2 program.
“HMS is recognized by HRSA as the first Teaching Health Center in New Mexico"
"At a time when the United States finds itself with an inadequate supply of physicians, the distribution of healthcare and access remains problematic. HMS has developed the HMS Family Medicine Residency Program in response to the primary care needs of our state and nation.”