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January 29, 2025Hidalgo Medical Services Is Awarded Two Separate Grants To Expand Behavioral Health Services And Increase Access To Care For Justice-Involved Populations
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announced nearly $52 million in awards for 54 HRSA-funded health centers to increase access to high-quality primary care for people soon to be released from incarceration and reentering the community.
According to the HHS press office, HRSA-funded health centers provide primary care regardless of ability to pay and are a cornerstone of our country’s healthcare system, especially for individuals and families who are uninsured; enrolled in Medicaid; living in rural, remote, or underserved areas; struggling to afford their health insurance co-pays; experiencing homelessness; residing in public housing; or otherwise having difficulty finding a doctor or paying for the cost of care. The 1,400 HRSA-funded health centers operate more than 15,000 service sites, providing care for more than 30 million patients.
As many as 80% of individuals returning to the community after incarceration have chronic medical, psychiatric, and/or substance use conditions. Studies have shown a dramatic and concerning increase in risk for opioid overdose after release from incarceration, with one study showing the risk of death at least ten times higher than for the general public. Nearly half of the individuals entering incarceration meet the criteria for having a substance use disorder, and many of these individuals struggle to access and afford medication-assisted and other substance use disorder treatments following release.
Individuals returning to the community also become disconnected from critical medications and treatment for diabetes and hypertension – among the leading causes of death in the United States. They also face disproportionate risks of bad health outcomes overall because they lack connections to services and support to navigate the process of applying for or reinstating health insurance eligibility and other benefits in the immediate period after their release.
Hidalgo Medical Services (HMS) is one of two health centers in New Mexico that have been awarded $1 million. HMS will create models of care that increase access to and engagement with health center services for justice-involved populations as they prepare for release from incarceration and return to living in the community.
Additionally, HHS has announced $240 million in awards to launch and expand behavioral health and substance use disorder (SUD) services in more than 400 community health centers across the country. HMS was one of six health centers in New Mexico to receive an award. HMS was awarded $500,000 for Behavioral Health Service Expansion (BHSE). The BHSE grant funding will support HMS’ efforts to increase access to behavioral health services through starting or expanding behavioral health and SUD services.
“HMS is grateful for the opportunity to expand services for our community and increase access to care and services for those who need support during a difficult time. We continue to work collaboratively with state and federal agency officials and policymakers to improve access to care and services in Southwestern New Mexico,” stated, Dr. Dan Otero, HMS CEO. HMS could not have applied for and received these funds without the support of our area partners for both Hidalgo and Grant County with special gratitude extended to Tisha Green, Hidalgo County Manager, and Charlene Webb, Grant County Manager. The funding aligns well with HMS’ mission and desire to make a positive impact on our community. HMS will partner with other local organizations as services are expanded.
HRSA Press Office. November 22, 2024, Biden-Harris Administration Announces $52 Million Investment for Health Centers to Provide Care for People Reentering the Community after Incarceration. Biden-Harris Administration Announces $52 Million Investment for Health Centers to Provide Care for People Reentering the Community after Incarceration | HRSA
HRSA: FY24 Behavioral Health Health Service Expansion Awards: New Mexico
FY24 Behavioral Health Service Expansion Awards: New Mexico | Bureau of Primary Health Care
HMS serves over 14,000 unduplicated patients with over 70,000 visits annually at its 13 locations within Hidalgo and Grant counties. HMS is a Federally Qualified Health Center Grantee under 42 USC 245b and a deemed Public Health employee under 42 USC 233 (g)-(n). Visit HMS at http://hms-nm.org or call 575-800-1HMS (1467).